Thursday, December 11, 2008

LGBRC 1 - Mexican Car Wash Worker 0

After a long day in the saddle there were only a few left in the field and only a mile left to go. I was riding at the front and waiting for the decisive move. Then BAM!. Juan Hernandez from Team Classic Car Wash attacked. In an unconventional way he flew up the right hand sidewalk. I kept my tempo and made sure he didn't get to far away. An uphill corner was coming so Juan makes an agressive move to the left hand sidewalk and flyes in front of us. He was 100% committed and almost didn't make it around the sidewalk corner. His legs were obvsiously tired because he was laboring up the hill. I caught him and kept the tempo. Juan bolts across the crosswalk and out of the corner of my eye I see him trucking down the hill on the left hand sidewalk. He looked serious but I didn't panic. I took the left hander onto the finishing straight. Juan held an agressive line on the sidewalk and was moving up. He was obviously serious and had no intention in giving up. The finish was coming so I lit up the sprint and Juan faded fast. What an epic battle.

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