Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My iPod Playlist

Here is my playlist on my iPod called Good Relaxing Songs, where every song has some kind of personal meaning. Each song is slow, deep and emotional. You have to pay close attention to the lyrics since I am attracted to the story and meaning of a song as well as the musical experience.

Answer - Sarah McLachlan
A slow and moving song by Sarah about that perfect person.
Cowboy Romance - Natalie Merchant
A very cute story about love.
Miss Sarajevo - U2
U2 adds a solo by Luciano Pavarotti. It doesn't get much better.
Five Room Love Song - Cowboy Junkies
A moving love song about how a man deals with the loss of his wife. You have to hear this song.
Sacrifice - Sinead O'Connor
An Elton John remake. No one sings a song better than Sinead.
Ring On The Sill - Cowboy Junkies
I love the Cowboy Junkies. This song is very relaxing though depressing.
Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Sinead O'Connor
Sinead's voice is amazing.
Long Road - Eddie Vedder
A slow and meaningful song by Pearl Jam's lead singer.
The Promise - Tracy Chapman
A sweet song about waiting for the love of your life.
Something Beautiful - Sinead O'Connor
A song written to God about her conflict with religion. "They dressed the wounds of my poor people as if there nothing" refers to the molestation cover up by the Catholic Church.
Angel Mine - Cowboy Junkies
Probably their best song. A realistic song about the love of your life.
Angel - Sarah McLachlan
A good song by Sarah.
Wishlist - Pearl Jam
A cute song by Pearl Jam.
Silent Night - Sinead O'Connor
Memorizing. Probably the best sung song ever. Sinead's voice is a gift.
Somebody - Depeche Mode
One of the best love songs ever written.
Will You Love Me Tomorrow - Carol King
A classic song.
When You Say Nothing At All - Alison Krauss
This is a personal song for me. It is sung during the dinner scene in Notting Hill, which has always moved me.
River - Sarah McLachlan
Remake of a classic. Sarah always sings a good slow song.
Big Bunch Of Junkie Lies - Sinead O'Connor
A moving love song to a friend that died of a drug overdose. Her voice releases so much emotion.
Don't Follow - Alice In Chains

This was exactly how I felt after I was divorced and I was dating a girl that just didn't understand.
Molley Malone - Sinead O'Connor
Sinead sings this classic Irish song perfectly.
Patience - Guns N' Roses
A Guns N' Roses classic. Great lyrics.
You Sang To Me - Marc Anthony
A corny love song, but it always makes me feel good.
Why - Annie Lennox
A great song. The lyrics are powerful.
Oh No - Commodores
A classic song about falling in love with a taken women.
The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
Incredibly powerful song. Lay down, close your eyes and just let this song take you away.
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
I plead the 5th on this song. Listen to it and you will know why.
River Waltz - Cowboy Junkies
A very sweet waltz and story sung my Margo Timmins.
Thank You For Hearing Me - Sinead O'Connor
Memorizing. Sinead voice is angelic. Close your eyes and enjoy the experience.
Nikita - Elton John
I have always liked this song.
This Is A Rebel Song - Sinead O'Connor
Not the best Sinead song but it is still moving since she always put so much emotion into her songs.
If God Will Send His Angels - U2
U2 is the most underrated slow song band.
Bea's Song - Cowboy Junkies
A very cute song. This is one song out of the River Song Trilogy.
Helpless - Cowboy Junkies
Starting to get the idea that the Cowboy Junkies are my favorite band. I can never get enough of Margo's voice. This song is truely an emotinoal journey. Also, the Junkies are the only band that can make you like an accordion.
My Immortal (acoustic) - Evanescence
This song is so much better acoustic.
Cry To Heaven - Meat Loaf
Meat Loaf sings a pretty good slow song.
I Have Seen The Rain - Pink
Pink sings this song with her father. It's a good anti-war song that isn't political or angry.
This Is To Mother You - Sinead O'Connor
A song Sinead wrote to herself to deal with her anger. Very moving.
This Street, This Man, This Life - Cowboy Junkies
A very haunting song. Just listen to the lyrics.
Alien - Bush
A powerful song.
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
I love Stevie Nicks' voice.
Sign Your Name - Terence Trent D'Arby
Turn out the lights, close your eyes and just listen to this song. It is a completely different song this way. I did this in high school and have been hooked ever since.
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper, Sarah McLachlan
Cyndi is one of the most underrated music artists. What a great song.
Silent All These Years - Tori Amos
I just like this song. The lyrics hold a lot of meaning.
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
A moving song about the loss of the one you love.
Candle In The Wind - Elton John
This version is the best. The Dianna remake really disappointed me.
Licence To Kill - Cowboy Junkies
A song about a soldier after he leaves the military.
True Colors - Cyndi Lauper
A Cyndi Lauper classic song. Listen to the Body Acoustic version.
No Matter How Hard I Try - Sinead O'Connor
Not the best song from Sinead but it is Sinead and I love listening to her voice and emotion she puts into her music.
Powerfinger - Cowboy Junkies
A Neil Young song sung perfectly by Margo. Like she says, "You cannot go wrong with Neil Young."
Why - Avril Lavigne
A mysterious B-side song by Avril that is probably her best song.
Nothing Compares To You (Live) - Sinead O'Connor
A Sinead classic.
Grey Matter - Jewel
A mysterious live song from one of Jewel's albums. The lyrics are deep and Jewel sings it will so much emotion. You have to experience this song.
The Sound Of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Do I have to say anything?
Grace - U2
Another great U2 slow song. Bonno really has a great voice.
Mothers Of The Disappeared - U2
A very powerful song about the loss of mother's sons and daughters. This song has somewhat of a political edge.
You're Missing - Cowboy Junkies
Probably the saddest song about the loss of a husband and father. It will make you cry.
Misguided Angel - Cowboy Junkies
The Junkie's most famous song about someone that loves the wrong person.
Elvis Presley And America - U2
A powerful old song by U2.
MLK - U2
A really moving and emotional song by Bonno and U2.
November Rain (Piano) - Guns N' Roses
Moving lyrics about those dark times in your relationship. This song is even better when it is played with just a piano.
All I Want Is You - U2
One of the best love song ever written.
Mercy Street - Peter Gabriel
A slow and moving song. Close your eyes and take in the experience.
Proudest Monkey - Dave Matthews Band
One of the cutest songs I have ever heard. I have fallen to sleep so many times to this song.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another Keith Experience

Today I had another Keith Experience.

Fortunately the rest of the Great America noon ride had to experience this with me so I wasn't alone in my misery.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Who knew such a thing existed.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lyrics of the Day

Where anywhere I did pick up, flipped the clip up
Too many stick-ups, 'cause niggas had the trigger hic-ups

Artist: Naughty By Nature
Song: Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Ghetto Bastard)

I would like to witness anyone trying to karaoke this song.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's with the Batman Utility belt?

I have noticed that the latest fad in running is this utility belt thing that you can strap these small bottles as well a cell phone, a iPod or pretty much anything the think you would need for a run.

You can purchase as many as you can fit on your belt too.

What the f*ck? Most people do not run for hours nor do they run in the middle of nowhere. Strip that stupid, overpriced piece of fabric and go find a drinking fountain. I know, I am going to purchase one, strap a 9 mm to it and talk crap to everyone on the road.

Straight to the Point

"What do I need to climb for? I am a sprinter through and through."
- Cavendish on his riding abilities.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Check out this video of the 2007 Paris Tours. Go to the end of the race and watch the sprint. Robbie McEwen almost crashes and upon a slow motion frontal view you see that he gets clocked by a spectator and swerves into Oscar Freire. Amazing that he stayed up.

Paris Tours 2007
Uploaded by maple16

Monday, October 08, 2007


I hurt my coccyx. (I have no idea how. It just started to hurt a couple days ago)

So I feel pain in my rear end.

If it doesn't start getting better I will have to purchase one of these.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Open At Your Own Risk

My teammate sent me this link and I was instantly addicted. I also laugh out loud at work several times a day.

Beware, this is highly addictive.

Some of my personal favorites:

An open letter to the person(s) who stole my porch light.


Why I no longer want to have sex

Friday, September 28, 2007

Angelic Voice
Close your eyes and just listen


BTW: This is Sinead O'Connor

Road Trip

For some reason these climbs look fun. Actually it is the challenge that is attractive. I think I may need a triple.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

What do I actually do at Lockheed Martin?

Most of my friends and family have given up asking me what I do at work because I was basically locked up in a giant safe for almost 11 years. "I could tell you but then I would have to kill you." was the usual joke. Anyway, I've moved onto a new program where I can discuss some of the things I work on for my job. Yippie.

So, what do I do? Well, I deal with Information Assurance and System Security. Well, that probably didn't help much so here it is in Laymen terms. I deal with everything from locks on doors, keeping those pesky hackers out to super technical 256 bit encryption. Encryption? Click on the lock iconat the bottom of of your web browser when you are in a secure web site like your bank account.

Anyway, I come by some really interesting things not and then. Check out the Youtube video on Social Engineering. It is a kind of like a real life Jedi mind trick, however this is a real threat.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Public Service Announcement

Attention Weekend Warriors!

You are not cool when you blast by with a whopping 5 second surge while I am riding at a leisurely pace, especially when you just had a hard time following me up a 2% grade and also almost crashing yourself trying to following me around a corner. You know who your are so before you pull one of these lame stunts please accomplish the following:

  1. Get rid of that friggin cotton shirt.

  2. Drop your handlebars from a super up-right position to, at least, the same level as your seat.

  3. Be able to ride a straight line.

  4. Be friggin social.

  5. Lose about 50 pounds.

  6. Throw away that stupid Bento Box.

  7. Reduce the tools in your bike bag by 90%.

  8. Please, Please, Please throw away the helmet mirror.

Monday, September 24, 2007

'Roids Raid

Another crackdown on steroids where people are going to take the fall. Read it for yourself.

Will it ever end?

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Arbitrators find Landis guilty of doping, rule he must forfeit 2006 Tour title;_ylt=Aho7ONxds.qefFvaUw9GDJN.grcF?slug=ap-landisdecision&prov=ap&type=lgns

Big surprise. Right?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2007
International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2007

What are ye plannin' for September 19th?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Europe's Idea of Cool

An interesting approach to promote cyclecross.

I have to admit that I have watched this several times.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Inside the mind of a competitive cyclist

An actual conversation between two cyclists.


[Cyclist] Speaking of weather. I rode home and the roads were icy. This was during the day too.

One part of my ride the side of the hill was completely iced over complete with icicles coming off the rocks. It was pretty neat. However, I was freezing my ass off.

[Friend] You’re a little sick…just FYI…

[Cyclist] For some strange reason I was enjoying freezing my ass off.

[Friend] Wife can’t nag you while you do it =)

[Cyclist] RIGHT!

The second I get home I cook, clean or take care of the baby. Sometimes freezing your ass off is more appealing.

[Friend] Amen brother =)


I had an epiphany this morning. And you ask what was my epiphany?

Well, this morning, while half-awake with my bowl of cereal and cup of coffee, I noticed it was pitch black out and kind of cold. My epiphany was that 5:30 in the morning is friggin early.

pl. e·piph·a·nies
A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Operation San Ardo"

This will just not die. I thought the post from D-Dub would have ended the bitching but some opinionated a$$holes, like Tad, keep bitching. These people are like that annoying little dog that will not stop barking and hide under the bed when you want to ring its little neck. The problem is that people like this eventually get a position of some power and they want to lay their influence on everyone. What fuckers.

The facts:

There was no center line.

The road was incredibly narrow.

We were racing really fast at the time.

The ladies in question should have pulled off the course. This is according to the Vehicle Code and common sense.

The Pro/1/2 field did nothing maliciously since no one saw them until they crashed.

Read for yourself.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The UCI Strikes Again

There's a little bit of controversy in the Tour of Missouri pits this morning. In the daily communique teams receive from race officials, an announcement was included by a UCI official (Mr. Wauthier) about time trial handlebar positions that is causing problems for some riders.

I am paraphrasing, but the general language says that all time trial handlebar bar extensions (the pieces extending forward from the bike the riders grip when tucked in their most aerodynamic position) must be parallel to the ground.



So is there going to be an official with a laser level at the inspection area?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Parody of a meeting I just attended

Item 3 has an error. I typed an “o” rather than a “a” so it should say “early” instead of “eorly”.

What does “eorly” mean? Should this actually say “eorly”?

No. It should be “early”.

Take an action item to double check that this should not be “eorly” and we can close this at the next meeting.

This is early? Why? Let’s go back and figure out why this is early?

Before we do that, I believe this error should go through a Kaizan effort.

Maybe this is a little too formal but this definitely should go through a review.


How about Thursday?

Cannot because I will be out of town.

How about a week from Thursday?

Cannot because of the TRR.

Let’s take this off line.

How about we schedule a meeting to discuss this?



Cannot because I have a previously scheduled meeting. Let’s do this at 7:00 PM. This will be late enough so everyone will have eaten dinner. I will have a telecon number so people can call from home.

Now let’s talk about why this is early.

This is an old item. I don’t think we need to discuss this.

I understand but I want to know for my personal knowledge.

Well, the person to discuss this is not in today.

Let’s plan a meeting so he can brief me.

This is made up but points out the mindless babbling I just witnessed. BTW: The meeting lasted 2 1/2 hours. I wanted to die.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Soft Side of Things

Great song from a moving article of one man's loss. Of course it is from my favorite band.

Five Room Love Story
Michael Timmins - Cowboy Junkies

I met her in a church on a Sunday evening
not late on a Saturday night.
She sang Ave Maria a little flat and out of tune
but that's what drew me to her so that's alright.
As she placed a nickel in the basket that I held before her
I asked her to be my wife.

There's one cardboard heart for every time you said I love you,
a painted star for every secret that we shared,
the dried lima beans and small plastic birds
because you cared.

I hear them talk and I watch them swap their old black and whites.
Bitter and beaten they talk of life's cheatin' like old boxers comparing scars.
All I remember is a smile at the top of every working morning
and a shoulder always willing and able
and all those nights that we'd spend just sitting
and talking around our kitchen table.

Five rooms made stronger by the breaking and the healing
of the two hearts they protected within
and now one heart left aching, pasting and painting
these walls with memories of all that has been.

Cowboy Junkies

An incredible band that blends their musical talent with the hypnotising voice of Margo Timmins. Though they sing mostly slow and somewhat depressing songs about life and love you are always left with an musical expereince you will never forget.

Margo Timmins

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cars and Oil Continue to Rule in the United States
Check out this jack-ass Representative.
Excuse me Representative McHenry but the internal combustion engine is 18th century technology. Actually I would like to research Leonardo da Vinci and see if he came up with the idea in the early 1500's. In fact, burning things for energy goes all the way back to the Neanderthals so I don't get your point. I know it is impossible for you to understand anything that is more than a first order equation but I will try to get into your thick head that is probably stuffed with oil lobbyist money. Riding a bike is not the solution but a part of the solution. Many people, and I am sure you are one of them, as so friggin lazy that you will get in your car and drive across the parking lot so you don't have to walk to the next store across the way. Right? At home the grocery store is probably a whopping 1/2 mile away but you insist on driving your car to pick up a 1/2 gallon of milk. Right? Do you get my point? No yet? Let's try again. Fuel burning engines for transportation are the #1 source of air pollution in the world. Riding a bike helps clean the air, saves the ordinary person (who is not so figgin rich that they can care less about the price of gas i.e. you) money, reduces the chance of cancer, high-blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes as well as being a proven way to help cure depression. All of what I listed are caused by our increasingly sedentary lifestyle that mainly attributed to the fact that we drive our cars everywhere. Do you get my point now? THE CAR IS THE PROBLEM! Doing anything but driving in your friggin car is the solution. Walk, Rollerblade, ride your bike, jog, run, skateboard, take the bus, take the train, etc... are all better than driving your car. Stop your self-centered, selfish ways and start being part of the solution. Stop making excuses for your ignorant ways and start exploring transportation alternatives. Oh, I completely forgot. That would mean that you would have to cut out the money you receive from the oil companies.
Now let's discuss your opinion on Global Warming.
Bike crash analogy
Have you ever found yourself in a type of situation where a co-worker or friend, who knows next to nothing about cycling, asks you a cycling related question? You know when you show up to work with gauze all over your arms and walking like your knees don't bend and a co-worker starts asking questions like "What happened?" or "What was it like to crash?" Well here's a response if you are asked to describe a recent crash.

Tom Steeles getting screwed by Graeme Brown (Cyclingnews)

"well, it's like this ~ get in your car and find yourself a nice quite country road. Bring the speed up to around 30mph. Keep it steady at 30, maybe click on the 'cruise control' if you've got it, OK?

now, roll down your window, peep your head out the car and look down at the passing pavement. Look at all those jagged little crushed rocks and sand-papery surfaces. OK, got used to the speed? Then open up your door ... don't be afraid. Open up your door and lean out a bit (keep that speed up!). Now slowly reach a hand down toward the road zipping by underneath. Think about it, just for an instant ... reach out and touch that road. Go ahead, try it. Reach out and touch it.

and just when you're about to touch the road? in that moment of concentration where your fingers are dangling between the edge of safety and dangerous contact ...

have somebody push your ass out of the car."

Michael Hernandez

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Germans Are Coming

Last evening I was riding home at my own leisurely pace. I did the Great America noon ride and was pretty pooped by chasing Keith on his TT bike for 45 minutes in the heat of the day. I won't even go there. Another Keith Experience. Anyway, two guys come flying by me like they are attacking in a criterium. You know, leaving just enough room to fit a dollar bill. Anyway, my instincts made me jump the move. Hey, at least I found myself a free ride down San Tomas. These two guys were obvious weekend warriors though one had an Ironman sticker on his bike. Speaking of this guy, he was on his Kestrel TT bike. The funky one with no seat tube and a funny thing to hold the front derailleur. I have a bachelors in Aeronautical Engineering, a Masters Degree in Structural Engineering and I still cannot figure out a rational for this design, other than a bad crash. Anyway, he must have been about 210 and hammering away. At least hammering in his own way. I was leisurely sitting 3rd wheel when the big guy looks back and says "We have a wheel sucker" in a German accent. "Wheel Sucker? Well you wanna be Jan Ullrich in the winter pudgy rider. I will show you how much you really suck. " I know I am finally in race shape when I want to race anyone and anything for any reason. By the way he just plain pissed me off. I waited until after the Stevens Creek light to go to the front. I gently raised the pace a quarter mile per hour at a time until I was hitting about 34 mph coming into the Campbell city limit sign. I looked back and they were no were in sight. FRIGGIN WEEKEND WARRIORS! Don't look at you, don't say "Hi", talk a lot of crap but bow out when it is time to have fun. Or maybe it is just because the Germans are use to getting their ass kicked by an American. Go Lance.
Billions and Billions

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Riding Home Last Thursday


3 titanium tipped drill bits (new in package)

1 mechanical pencil

Monday, August 27, 2007

This is non-cycling realted but I just had to post it in my blog.
I have no words to explain this video.

Judge #2's Comments:
Miss South Carolina, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Filip Vanacht
"Operation San Ardo"
After the Operation Puerto fiasco I am not saying a word. I was there, I know the truth but we all know that sometimes it just doesn't matter. "Even if you are right, you are still wrong." Someone got hurt so we have to punish someone. Get ready for the fallout. Blame it all on Alto Velo.

Get them anyway you can. Save you recyclable cans, mow lawns, "Lie, cheat or steal" to get them. I borrowed a pair for San Ardo and I need to get them.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Clicks and Creeks

What is up with set post collars this year? My Specialized had a click in the seat post and it was because the POS seat post collar was cracking. That's right cracking right out of the box. I hate when bike companies are so weight consciencous that they put crap on the bike so they can advertise lighness just to have it break and make you replace it with a heavier but stronger piece. This was the same for my Bianchi Titanium. My 2001 frame was creaking / clicking and broke at the down tube. My replacement frame was clicking at the seat post. I must have disassembled and reassembled the bike 3 times without fixing the problem. Well, the seat post collar broke. Arrrrrrrrrggggggggggg......... You may say I overtightened it but the stupid carbon seat post kept on sliding down. I just cannot win.


My point? If something is clicking / creaking and you cannot fix it then something is going to break.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Zimbabwe's inflation -- already the highest in the world -- hit 7,634.8 percent in July
This is non-cycling related, but Oh My God that is crazy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

"Because Lance wants to get out of the sport he is going to unemploy half of his team? Personal opinion again, but that has to be the biggest bullshit story I have ever read!"
-Chris Horner doesn't mince words - ever

Report (Click Here)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Redwood Gulch

Heavy bike, heavy rider with a backpack. For some reason I live for challenges like Redwood Gulch. One day I will lose those lingering 15 to 20 pounds and actually be able to climb. Watch out if that ever happens, though I don't think anyone need to be concerned.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Keith Experience

It cannot be explained with words. It can only be experienced.
BTW: The definition of irony. "Click Here"

Some people just have too much time on their hands.
I was checking out my ride log database this morning.

March 7, 2000 - Great America noon ride.

Over 7 years of going round in circles every Tuesday / Thursday.

Before Great America there was a short bit at 237 and 1st street. Mission College before that.



Lately I've been finding silver change on the road. I have been finding about 50¢ a day so I guess the economy is not that bad if I am finding about $2.50 a week. Put that in a Roth IRA and I'll be a rich man when I retire. Thanks to all you lazy motorists. So much of a zombie that somehow change flies out of your car.


Laughing all the way to the bank.


One note. The change is pretty chewed up and trashed. Don't even try to use it at a mini-mart.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Don't deny it. This has crossed all of our minds.

National Science Foundation: Science Hard
June 5, 2002 Issue 38•21
INDIANAPOLIS—The National Science Foundation's annual symposium concluded Monday, with the 1,500 scientists in attendance reaching the consensus that science is hard.

Farian explains the NSF findings.
"For centuries, we have embraced the pursuit of scientific knowledge as one of the noblest and worthiest of human endeavors, one leading to the enrichment of mankind both today and for future generations," said keynote speaker and NSF chairman Louis Farian. "However, a breakthrough discovery is challenging our long-held perceptions about our discipline—the discovery that science is really, really hard."
"My area of expertise is the totally impossible science of particle physics," Farian continued, "but, indeed, this newly discovered 'Law of Difficulty' holds true for all branches of science, from astronomy to molecular biology and everything in between."
The science-is-hard theorem, first posited by a team of MIT professors in 1990, was slow to gain acceptance within the science community. It gathered momentum following the 1997 publication of physicist Stephen Hawking's breakthrough paper, "Lorentz Variation And Gravitation Is Just About The Hardest Friggin' Thing In The Known Universe."
This weekend's conference, featuring symposia on how hard the Earth sciences are, how confusing medical science is, and how ridiculously un-gettable quantum physics is, represented a major step forward for the science-is-hard theorem.
"We now believe that the theorem is 99.999% likely to be true, after applying these incredibly complex statistical techniques that gave me a splitting headache," Farian said. "A theorem is like a theory, but, I don't know, it's different."
Members of the scientific establishment were quick to affirm the NSF discovery.

The scientists' assessment of a recent MIT paper on quantum physics.
"To be a scientist, you have to learn all this weird stuff, like how many molecules are in a proton," University of Chicago physicist Dr. Erno Heidegger said. "While it is true that I have become an acclaimed physicist and reaped great rewards from my career, one must not lose sight of the fact that these blessings came only after studying all of this completely impossible, egghead stuff for years."
Dr. Ahmed Zewail, a Caltech chemist whose spectroscopic studies of the transition states of chemical reactions earned him the Nobel Prize in 1999, explained in layman's terms just how hard the discipline of chemistry is, using the periodic table of the elements as a model.
"Take the element of tungsten and work to memorize its place in the periodic table, its atomic symbol, its atomic number and weight, what it looks like, where it's found, and its uses to humanity, if any," Zewail said. "Now, imagine memorizing the other 100-plus elements making up the periodic table. You'd have to be, like, some kind of total brain to do that."
As hard as chemistry and other traditional sciences may be, scientists say such newer disciplines as quantum physics are even more difficult.
"Quantum physics has always been a particularly tough branch of science," UCLA physicist Dr. Hideki Watanabe said. "But in addition to being some of the smartest Einstein-y stuff around, it is undeniably a really stupid, pointless thing to study, something you could never actually use in the real world. This paradoxical dual state may one day lead to a new understanding of physics as a way to confuse and bore people."
"I guess there's cool stuff about science," Watanabe continued, "like space travel and bombs. But that stuff is so hard, it's honestly not even worth the effort."
Life is the coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.
The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive and some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
After all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice-looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it's just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups...and then began eyeing each other's cups."
"Now consider this: Life is the coffee. The jobs, houses, cars, things, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Enjoy your coffee."
From Jackson Stewart's Blog

In a lot of ways I agree.

July 16th, 2007
Some people have deemed me as a complainer but, I think the majority of my complaints are observations.
Like the lack of courtesy at the airport at times. I wonder why there are usually only 1 or 2 people per flight that do not hover over the baggage claim. The rest of the 100+ people desperately conquer the perimeter of the baggage carousal like their luggage is food coming out of a red cross truck. What makes these 1 or 2 people different? Why do they realize that if they stand there that they would be in other peoples way? Its similar with getting on and off the plane, people will try and jet in front of you whenever they can, like its a really fast crit, where a guy can only pass one guy at a time but, he’s gotta be a real dick to do it, and there is really no way for him to make it to the front anyway.
These people seem to be the same people who are always in a hurry but, they will jump in a Star bucks line of 20 or so people no problem.
And these Fat Asses! That’s right I said it. I get charged for bringing a 20 pound bike on the plane but, there is no charge for people caring on 200 plus extra pounds? You know I’ve learned a thing or two from considerate guys like Nydam, Schmatz, and Tim Larkin. And I realize that everyone has their own issues as human beings and deserve some understanding, sympathy, and respect. However, when you come on my plane sit in the middle of me and some normal sized lady in the isle seat, smelling like a cigarette factory that caught fire, and looking like something that was genetically cloned with a meatball and some type of seal blubber, I start to have a hard time with that consideration concept. And then you shoe horn your ass into that middle seat and your, what would be called, hips and stomach swallow the armrest that separate our seats, whole, leaving the remainder of you squeezing me into the side of the airplane, I again question my considerate-ness. But, then, within minutes, you pull out a stank super sized double cheeseburger and fries!………that’s when the gloves come off!!! I’m not making this up, this happen to me a half an hour ago.
I think there is a humane natural reason for such things and I am pretty sure Scott Nydam could give me the answers if he spent sometime on it. He might have to make a few phone calls but, he would end up with an explanation and maybe some KOM points in the process.

Random Observations

Friggin California drivers suck. I have seen so many stupid stunts by a California driver that I am numb to their stupidity.

Old People

My latest observation, in which I was an unwilling participant, was a run-in with a senior citizen. I was riding my bike home from work and heading out of Los Gatos by the high school. I hit the stop sign at the top of the hill and proceeded next to a dark blue SUV. This old timers car, you know the late 80’s early 90’s Oldsmobile, drove up on the cross street to make a right turn. I noticed the car and saw the short, curly, grey hair of a really old looking lady. BTW: Why are they all so friggin small? She so small that she was looking through her steering wheel to drive. Anyway, I had a gut feeling that I was in a bad situation. I kept my eye on the granny car while the SUV pulled away from me. I guess the dark blue boat of a SUV was easy to spot, while they guy in the bright yellow and red clothing, which was closer to her, was like friggin camouflage. She hit the gas as soon as she had some daylight. “Oh F*ck!” was going through my head as I saw her bumper getting close to me as I headed toward the double yellow to avoid the 2 ton car. I saw her swerve, of course toward me at first, and then hit the breaks. Hopefully it was because she saw me and instead of avoiding a squirrel. What happened after? The usual in California. Not sure on what to do when they do something really stupid they first are tentative at passing the biker. Then they realize the inevitable because the divers behind them are getting impatient so they pass and avoid eye contact as all costs. I guess they figure if they don’t look then nothing really happened. No acknowledgement that they almost injured someone because of their stupidity. No sorry. Not even the finger. Heck, I would have more respect for a person that told me to “F*ck off!”

The Psyche of California Drivers

Here is an interesting observation for you. Please try it because it works every time.

I am sure you get really pissed when every once-in-a-while there is that motorist that gives you about 2 inches of room while they pass you. A lot of the time it seem that it is done for no real reason, not that there is a real valid reason to almost run over a cyclist because you cannot slow down for 2 seconds. Anyway, I’ve noticed that if someone buzzes me, or if hear traffic coming and I get that spider feeling that the next car is going to be close, I spit a nice big loogie or do the Texas Hankie to the left. I am always flabbergasted because I usually get little to no room from motorists but when I do this I get an easy 3 feet EVERY TIME! What the f*ck? A motorist can care less that they are going to smash part of their car and/or kill someone or at the least scratch their precious car but they will give me all the room in the world to keep some goo from getting on their paint job. I still don’t get it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Timpani Criterium
I think I'm going to write a book on how not to prepare for a race. I'm telling you my life is complete chaos that is somehow guided in the right direction. I have no idea on how I get things done or how I don't just pass out.
Check out my day of the race schedule.
(This is not typical since my club did put on the race and I had to help out, but this is not that far off of a typical weekend day)
5:00 AM - Get up. Coffee. Head out to Mike Rowe's to load my truck with NCNCA stuff.
6:00 AM - 8:30 AM - Set up course.
9:30 AM - Home so wife is not uptight because I spent all day at a bike race.
10:00 AM - Ride to breakfast with wife and baby. Hit the farmer's market.
12:30 PM - Back to race to get ready and warm-up.
1:40 PM - Master's 35+ (2 friggin flats)
2:30 PM - Fix race wheel flat to I can race to Pro/1/2.
3:55 PM - Pro/1/2 race. Complete waste of my time though it was a workout.
4:30 PM - Load truck.
7:30 PM - Pick up baby from my parents.
8:30 PM - Gave baby bath, fed her and put her to sleep.
9:30 PM - Cleaned out truck, completed chores around the house and got ready for work tomorrow.
10:30 PM - Cannot forget the wife. Talked to her about her day. Tried to be the attentive husband as he complained about random people and off load her emotions of the day.
10:45 PM - Pass out.
No wonder I raced like crap.
Why me?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

January turned out to be cold. Really cold. Check out the pictures of the ice I ran by going up Steven's Creek Canyon toward Redwood gulch. This is something you rarely see in California.