Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cars and Oil Continue to Rule in the United States
Check out this jack-ass Representative.
Excuse me Representative McHenry but the internal combustion engine is 18th century technology. Actually I would like to research Leonardo da Vinci and see if he came up with the idea in the early 1500's. In fact, burning things for energy goes all the way back to the Neanderthals so I don't get your point. I know it is impossible for you to understand anything that is more than a first order equation but I will try to get into your thick head that is probably stuffed with oil lobbyist money. Riding a bike is not the solution but a part of the solution. Many people, and I am sure you are one of them, as so friggin lazy that you will get in your car and drive across the parking lot so you don't have to walk to the next store across the way. Right? At home the grocery store is probably a whopping 1/2 mile away but you insist on driving your car to pick up a 1/2 gallon of milk. Right? Do you get my point? No yet? Let's try again. Fuel burning engines for transportation are the #1 source of air pollution in the world. Riding a bike helps clean the air, saves the ordinary person (who is not so figgin rich that they can care less about the price of gas i.e. you) money, reduces the chance of cancer, high-blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes as well as being a proven way to help cure depression. All of what I listed are caused by our increasingly sedentary lifestyle that mainly attributed to the fact that we drive our cars everywhere. Do you get my point now? THE CAR IS THE PROBLEM! Doing anything but driving in your friggin car is the solution. Walk, Rollerblade, ride your bike, jog, run, skateboard, take the bus, take the train, etc... are all better than driving your car. Stop your self-centered, selfish ways and start being part of the solution. Stop making excuses for your ignorant ways and start exploring transportation alternatives. Oh, I completely forgot. That would mean that you would have to cut out the money you receive from the oil companies.
Now let's discuss your opinion on Global Warming.

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